By: Reema S.

The computer light is dimly as I look at the clock 

12:07 am. 

I rub my eyes as they feel dry and heavy from 

Scanning, searching, and typing on my computer. 

But it will be worth it right? 

Because the long night will mean studying

Which will lead to an A on my test tomorrow 

Which will boost my GPA

Which will get me into college 

Which will get me into med-school 

Which will..…

……..get me what I want? 



There’s just so little time.

1:32 am 

I use my phone as a flashlight to 

Tiptoe down the stairs as to not wake anyone up 

I want a glass of water because I haven't talked 

To anyone in 4 hours because my family went to 

Sleep a while ago. 

1:34 am 

A ladybug crawls on the outside of 

My glass. 

I had not even seen it because I was worried 

About memorizing my list of polyatomic ions. 

But it is very pretty. 

Ladybugs have always been my favorite 

And I had not seen one in a while.

A delicate little round red thing 

Sprinkled with dots of black to 

Complete its sort of animated 

Like description.

It calmly fluttered up from the table 

And tapped itself against the window.

I quietly open it as I see it disappear into 

The warm Georgia night.  

A ladybug lives one year. 

So many things to learn, so many leaves to explore.

And she only has a year to do, well, life. 


I tiptoe back to my room 

Water in hand 

Ready to study. 

I am luckier than the ladybug. I have time.

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