By Rowan S.

Holidays are days on which we celebrate something important to us, often with decorations, meals, gifts, and hanging out with family and friends. Many holidays have unique traditions such as giving out valentines on Valentine’s Day, dressing up on Halloween, or watching fireworks on the Fourth of July. These are all common holidays celebrated in America, and there are many more not listed here. There are actually a lot of holidays that you’ve probably never even heard of!

Do you like particular foods? There are days designated to celebrating croissants, beans, chocolate chips, pretzels, coffee, macaroons, ice cream, chocolate pudding, onion rings, grilled cheese, jelly beans, doughnuts, sandwiches, sugar cookies, guacamole, and a lot more that wouldn’t all fit on this page!

Does your dog love to get treats? February 23 is International Dog Biscuit Day! Another day your dog will love is August 26h, which is National Dog Day! But in case you missed both of them, I’m sure your furry friend would love extra attention any day of the week. 

If you’re a cat person, dogs don’t get all the holidays! In fact, cats get two holidays as well: International Cat Day on August 8 and Hug Your Cat Day on June 4. Just like dogs, though, they will probably enjoy being celebrated any time, even if they’re a little shy and just want some treats.

I bet no one you know has a pet sloth, but in case you want to celebrate it anyway International Sloth Day is on October 20, and you could get very creative with this one!

If you love poetry, there is a Haiku Poetry Day, a Limerick Day, and a Tongue Twister Day! 

You’ve almost certainly heard of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, but did you know that Siblings Day is a holiday too? There is also a Cousins Day, a Son and Daughter Day, a Grandparents Day, and a Best Friends Day! These are all fun to celebrate with your family. 

There’s a special day for your old nemesis static electricity on January 9, and a day to battle against procrastination on September 6. 

Some days that are particularly friendly are World Compliment Day, Swap Ideas Day, World Smile Day, Make a Gift Day, Tell a Joke Day, which is not to be confused with International Joke Day, World Hello Day, and many, many more. 

There are days that are about enjoying life such as Play Your Ukulele Day, Take a Walk in the Park Day, Take a Hike Day, and Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day.

What about Go Make Your Bed Day and Proofreading Day? Maybe you prefer more disorganized holidays. If so, perhaps you’d like International Goof Off Day, Pandemonium Day, or National Absurdity Day. 

There are also plenty of hobby-oriented holidays including Saxophone Day, Origami Day, Napping Day, World Photo Day, Collect Rocks Day, National Gymnastics Day, Punctuation Day, and Magic Day. 

There are some book and story holidays as well, some of which are Science Fiction Day, Book Lovers Day, Dictionary Day, International Animation Day, Authors Day, and Letter Writing Day. 

And now for my personal favorites: Squirrel Appreciation Day, Tin Can Day, Umbrella Day, Zipper Day, Lost Sock Memorial Day, Dance Like a Chicken Day, International Plastic Bag Free Day, Emoji Day, Teddy Bear Day, Eat a Red Apple Day, Official Lost-and-Found Day, and last but not least, Chocolate Covered Anything Day!

These are only a small fraction of random and unusual celebrations, but hopefully you now know a lot more than you did originally about these fun and little known holidays. 

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