By Jaclyn M.

Do you want to explore outside, but you are just not sure where to start? I have compiled a list of my favorite ways to enjoy nature. They can be done in the rain or sun, with a friend or alone, so have fun!

Warning: most items on this list use some level of imagination, so if you think you are “too old” for that, you might want to look elsewhere!

1. Science

Nature is the base of most science after all, so why not have some fun with it? You can sign up for a citizen science program, or just bring a magnifying glass and notebook to see what cool plants and animals you can observe! If you see or hear any birds during your investigation, try using the “Merlin Bird ID” app by Cornell to identify it. The app can identify birds by a picture, audio recording, or even a brief questionnaire.

2. Adventure

Fill a backpack with snacks, water, a journal, bed sheet, tarp, watch, compass and anything else you think you will need (bonus points if you have a walkie talkie)! Then, head out into your back yard or a local park on an adventure. Explore and make observations on your way, you can even make a map. then every so often pretend it’s nightfall. Use sticks, the tarp, and the sheet to make a small shelter, and a pretend fire out of sticks and leaves. Have a snack for “dinner” and write in your notebook a diary entry of all you explored on your adventure that night. Then you’ll crawl into your shelter to sleep, before coming back out to pack up and keep on exploring.

3. Build A Fairy House

This one needs no introduction. So head out and make the fairies a shelter they can be comfortable in! And while you’re at it, why not get even more creative and add other details. Fairy campsites, fairy playgrounds, fairy lakes, fairy parks…the list is endless! Just remember: no plastic or metal, only natural materials!

4. Journal

Designate a special notebook and pick a spot to observe. Go outside each week to make observations on how it changes. This is a fun year round all weather activity, and the result is pretty cool!


5. Have a picnic

This is pretty self-explanatory. Pack a bag with food and drinks, you could bring your lunch/dinner/breakfast, or if it’s in between meal times just a snack. Then find somewhere in your yard or at a park to lay out your blanket and enjoy.

6. Make small rafts

Get some pine straw, leaves, and maybe even some twine if you have it, and build some rafts to float on a nearby water source. Does it float? If you have a friend around, you could even try adding rocks and seeing how much weight each boat can hold, or racing them down a current. Try to tweak your design and see how much weight your boat can hold!

7. Read

Another self-explanatory one, so I won’t go into detail. But this might be a fun addition to the picnic mentioned prior.

8. Walk

You could walk around the neighborhood or try out some new trails. If this sounds boring, try coming up with some games like a scavenger hunt, or spotting different things like tree faces, or possible fairy abodes. Or you could bring headphones along and listen to a podcast or audiobook.

9. Bike

You could bike to a shop nearby, or just enjoy the journey around the neighborhood. Just be safe and wear a helmet!

10. Make a city

Grab sidewalk chalk, or some sort of marker and go around your yard marking places. For example, that bush near the corner of the fence? That area is the restaurant! The big oak tree? On top of the roots is the store! Behind the shed? That’s your house! Mark all of these places and draw a map. Then grab some furnishings (toys for the shop, snacks for the restaurant, a small blanket and book for your house, etc) and get some friends! Leaves or stones can be currency, and now you have a mini town in your yard! You can even make signs to post and think of a name for it. Don’t forget street names!

11. Draw or Write 

Nature truly is the best inspiration. Whether you prefer drawing, painting, sculpting, or writing, nature is the best subject. Bring your materials and a blanket and set up!

12. Obstacle Course 

You can use things in nature like tree stumps, fallen logs or rocks. Or human-made toys like hula hoops and jump ropes. Or, even a mix of both for a really epic course! Set a start and end, and you can time yourself and try to beat your time.

13. Nature Rubbings

Get some paper & crayons or pencils and head outside. Pick a leaf or tree bark, place your paper on top and start rubbing!

14. Make Trails

Along the same lines of the obstacle course, you can get sticks and rocks, and rearrange and stack them as trail markers. Then, see if your friends can follow the trail!

15 & 16. Hunt for dandelions & tree faces.

This works best in a large mostly unmowed field (for dandelions) and/or a wooded area (for tree faces). In a field, you can go around and hunt for dandelions to blow, if you go to the same place multiple times overtime, you might see the dandelions multiply! In a woodland area, you can walk along and search for trees that have “faces” out of different knots and markings.

17. Squirrel Watching

Go to a large park, or in your backyard if it’s big enough, and bring your binoculars. Bird watching usually gets all the hype, but why should squirrels be left out of the fun? Plus, birds are usually relatively stationary. Squirrels are super cute and you get to watch them dart, chase each other, climb, and eat nuts!

18. Make potions 

Get a medium sized container that’s easy to clean, and find a big stick. You can fill the container with water, then sprinkle in mud, leaves, twigs, and anything you can find as you stir. You can make up recipes for pretend drinks, soups, potions or anything you like.

For Cold Days:

19. Make a fire

SAFETY WARNING: When making fires, you should ALWAYS have an adult’s help, make sure you choose a safe location with no low hanging trees or leaves & pinestraw nearby, and have water next to you in case of emergency. Also be 100% sure that all the sparks are out before leaving.

That being said, as long as you follow all the safety measures, a small campfire can be a fun way to warm up on a chilly day. Get some sticks and logs for a base, then add some leaves, and WITH AN ADULT’S HELP light the fire and enjoy. 

For Warm Days:

20. Play in the Water!

If there is a creek or river nearby, that’s even better! But if not, hoses and sprinklers are also so much fun!


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