By: Lime Green Giraffe Photography Editor, Zora F.
BREAKING NEWS: Did you hear that Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta just exclusively
released their new robotics STEM Badges. There are now STEM Journeys and STEM
Badges at every level from Daisies to Ambassadors. I am so excited to try these
out! One of the badges and journeys that really caught our eyes is the Computer
Science journey and the Space Science badge and we can't wait to get our hands
on them!
Did you know that there are
robotics teams within Girl Scouts? I’m happy to say that my robotics team “Engineering Vigorously Everyday” EVE
is NOW sponsored by Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta. Being on an African
American all girls robotics team is really AWESOME! One reason it is important
is because there are not a lot of girls in STEM. Also there only a small
percentage of people in engineering and STEM fields are African American.
This year will be EVE’s first
time being sponsored by Girl Scouts. There are currently thirteen girls on
team. Who are they and what are there positions? The members on our team are:
Medinah A. - Lead Engineer
Zoë A.- Safety
Shaneese S. - CFO
Grace J. - Fundraising Manager
Noni V. - General
Ngozi V. -
Zora F. - Programmer
Journey M. - Electrical
Sakile V. - Electrical
Jordan T. - Programmer
Brianna W. -
Mechanical Team
Mecca J. -
Sarai B. -
Mechanical Team
There are two main parts on our
team of thirteen. We are divided into builders and programers. Everyone gets to
build, but the programmers are chosen based on their interest in coding. The
best part of robotics is just meeting people in general, because I have made
friends with some of the most amazing girls in robotics.
A big question I think of all
the time is why there are so few African American women in STEM? According to
Scientista Foundation:
American women and girls comprise a little more than 6% of the total U.S.
population, 14% of female students enrolled at four-year institutions, and
10.4% of female graduate enrollment in STEM fields. Since there is a small
minority of African American women and girls not applying to colleges in STEM
fields is very concerning.”
According to the NSF:
“Black or African American women, similar to Hispanic
women, earn a higher share of bachelor's degrees in psychology and social
sciences than in any other broad S&E field. In the past 20 years, the
largest increase in the share of bachelor's degrees black women earn was in
psychology, followed by social and biological sciences. Their share of
bachelor's degrees has declined in computer sciences, mathematics and
statistics, and engineering.”
is a small minority of girls/women in STEM in general, according to National Girls Collaborative Project:
“women make up half of the total U.S.
college-educated workforce, but only 29% of the science and engineering
workforce. Female scientists and engineers are concentrated in different
occupations than are men, with relatively high shares of women in the social
sciences (62%) and biological, agricultural, and environmental life sciences
(48%) and relatively low shares in engineering (15%) and computer and
mathematical sciences (25%).”
can we change that? A great way to get involved where everyone is welcome. It doesn’t
matter your race or gender to be part of FIRST Robotics. The FIRST Tech
Challenge is designed for students in grades 7–12 to compete head to head,
using a sports model. Teams are responsible for designing, building, and
programming their robots in a 10-week build period to compete in an alliance
format against other teams. According to,
“the mission of FIRST® is to inspire young people to be
science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting
mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills,
that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities
including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.”
Their Vision is to "To transform
our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and
where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders." Dean
Kamen, Founder.
For more information to get involved
with FIRST Inspire within Girl Scouts go to
there are many programs like Girls Scouts showing all girls around the world
that if you put your mind to something you can achieve it. To all the wonderful
girls who have read this article, I want to encourage you to go and find a
local STEM program near you so you can broaden your horizons and reach for the
skies. I encourage you to jump into STEM with Girl Scouts, but here are some of
our community partners that focus on STEM too - Girls Who Code, Women In
Technology, 100 Girls of Code, Made With Code, and Black Girls Code.
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