Interview with Author, Becky Albertalli
By: Emery R.

Lime Green Giraffe: How was Simon born?
How did you think of him?
Becky Albertalli: In a lot of ways
his voice came very naturally to me. It was kind of organic. One thing I did
for developing his character was I went back and re-read my journals from when
I was a teenager. That was really helpful. I think my advice for any teen
authors is to keep a journal. It's an investment in your future writing if you
ever choose to write YA. It's amazing because I read them and it brings me
right back. I think that was a big part of Simon's birthing.
LGG: I just started high school. I know you
remember that time in your life pretty vividly so I was wondering what advice
you could give me or any other person starting high school?
BA: All the things you
think are really important. You see them differently. It's not that they're not
important when you look back on them, but they're different. When I look back
on high school it's definitely the friendships that got me through the tough
times. I would also say find an adult who you can trust. For me it was my drama
LGG: We're you ever a Girl Scout?
BA: I love the Girl
Scouts and I definitely was a Girl Scout. I was a Brownie and a Junior Girl
Scout. I don't know if we were officially Cadettes though. We got to the point
where we were meeting but out of uniform. It turned very casual. I love the
organization and I love the cookies. I think they've been very progressive over
the years.
LGG: What time of the day do you write
and why?
BA: For me a lot of it
is just the logistics of my life. I have childcare for my little one and my
older son is in school. I write mostly from nine to one, which is when our
babysitter is there. Sometimes I can squeeze in a little more time but my kids
are definitely not the kind of kids who I'll let me write all day.
LGG: How do you know when a good idea is a good
BA: I've never been
asked that question. That's an amazing question. I am the kind of author where
if I cannot get 100-percent involved in the idea then it won't turn into an
actual book. It's really hard to find an idea that you can really commit to.
LGG: What is your advice for the times when you
just don't want to write another word?
BA: I had this epiphany
when I thought writing is like working out. I don't always like how I feel
doing it, but I love how I feel after I've done it. Sometimes it's like a solid
wall and I just need to step back, but it's about trying to be disciplined. A
novel is so hard since it's such a big project. You're putting everything into
a task that you're not going to finish today or the next day.
LGG: What roles do Oreos have in your writing?
BA: They are my fuel
and my only source of calories. I like a whole Oreo dipped in milk. Cookie and
cream are best together.
LGG: Have you written anything other than Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda?
BA: It really is my
first novel. My aunt did find a picture book somewhere about animals
that all lived in a forest together that I wrote when I was little. I basically
plagiarized the Lorax in the early
stages of my career.
LGG: Why do you think people remember their
teenage years so vividly?
BA: Part of it is that
there are a lot of firsts. You're experiencing a lot of big things for the
first time. I do think there's something maybe hormonal. I think there's a
biological or hormonal component to that. The kind of crushes you have then are
really different and intense. I've fallen in love as a teenager and as an adult
and I wouldn't say one was better than the other, but as a YA author I want to
honor that intensity of the teenage years.
LGG: Did you originally intend for Simon to
sort of look like Harry Potter?
BA: As far as how Simon
looks, that just popped into my head!
LGG: What do you want people to take away from
this book?
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