By: Pooja D.
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts have 145 member countries. This brings about an interesting question. When was Girl Scouts or Girl Guides introduced to each country? This is what this article is about: the history of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in different countries.
New Zealand was the first countries to be introduced to Girl Guides. It was introduced in 1908 a part of the Peace Scouts Movement and is called GirlGuiding New Zealand. In 1928, New Zealand was one of the founding members of WAGGGS and New Zealand is a full member. In New Zealand, they have four age groups: Pippins (ages 5-6), Brownies, Guides, and Rangers. The GirlGuiding New Zealand is a girl only association
The United States of America was introduced to Girl Scouts in 1912. The USA joined WAGGS in 1928 and they are a full member. They have six age levels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador. The GSUSA is a girl only association.
Girl Guides were introduced in Australia in 1911. Girl Guides Australia are one of the founder members of WAGGGS and are also full members. It joined WAGGGS in 1928 when it was founded. Australia has two age groups: Australian Guide Program (ages 5-18) and the Olave Program (ages 18-30). The Australian Guide Program is a girl only program.
Egypt was introduced to Girl Scouts in 1913. It joined WAGGGS in 1931 and is a full member. The Egypt Federation for Scouts and Girl Guides has four groups: the Baream Rainbow (ages 5-7), the Zahrat Brownie (ages 6-11), the Morshidat Guide (12-15) and the Gawalat Ranger (ages 16+). The Egypt Federation for Scouts and Girl Guides is a girl only federation.
Brazil was introduced to Girl Scouts in 1919. They are a full member on WAGGGS and joined in 1930. They have four groups: Ciranda Brownies (ages 6-8), Bandierante 1 Junior Guide (9-11), Banderainte 2 Guide (ages 12-14), and Guia Ranger (ages 15-18). The Federação de Bandeirantes do Brasil is a boys and girls federation.
Mongolia is currently the last country that was introduced to Girl Scouts. It was introduced in 1996 and joined WAGGGS in 2005. They are called the Girl Scout Association of Mongolia. There are four groups in GSAM. The Yargui branch (ages 5-7), the Boronlzgono branch (ages 8-11), the Guide branch (ages 12-15), and the Sarnai branch (ages 16-18). The GSAM is a girl only association.
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